Tip of the Week

Supporting Autonomy

June 12, 2024

Offering children choices is one important way to support autonomy. Beginning at a young age, try modeling choices during the physical exam to encourage caregivers to do this at home! A few examples: Let the child choose what they want to have examined first - their eyes or their ears Ask the child if they want to sit on their caregiver’s lap or on the table Offer a choice between colors of bandages or lollipop flavors By helping parents to see their role in asking, listening to, and respecting their child’s voice, you can support confidence, independence and self-determination. To learn more about why these qualities matter to long-term child development, log back in to watch our Autonomy module.

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Dispelling Common Sleep Myths

June 5, 2024

Families arrive in your office with a multitude of confusing messages about sleep. As a family's trusted healthcare professional, you can be prepared to dispel some of the most common sleep myths that families will encounter - like these. Myth #1 - Some babies just get up early Myth #2 - Waking through the night is unusual Myth #3 - Some children are night owls Myth #4 - The more tired the baby, the more they will sleep Myth #5 - Adding cereal to the bottle or starting solids will help a baby sleep through the night For tips on how to dispel these myths, check out our provider module on sleep here, and log back in for more resources on talking with families about healthy sleep habits.

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May 29, 2024

Lying is a common behavior among 4-5 year olds, but it ISN’T fun for parents. Caregivers can overreact to lies, and resort to punishment, threats or harsh responses. To help them to understand lying developmentally, you can reassure parents that lying demonstrates critical thinking skills and a new understanding and interest in the difference between fantasy and reality. Instead of engaging in a power struggle, you can encourage caregivers to try a relaxed reaction to lying that can make children more likely to tell the truth: Acknowledge the feeling or wish that motivated the lie. “You wanted that to be true,” or “You wish that that had happened.” State what you believe happened. “The milk was spilled on the floor,” or “It is hard not to have something you want, so sometimes we pretend we are allowed.” Move on to a solution together. “Let’s clean it up together,” or “Let’s go tell our friends that we can’t have that treat.”

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May 22, 2024

For young children, watching together is best

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Approaches for Toilet Learning

May 15, 2024

A child and caregivers' temperament matters for toilet learning

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Drowsy but Awake

May 8, 2024

Falling asleep on their own is an important skill for babies to learn

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