Ways to Promote Cognitive Flexibility in the Visit

June 19, 2024

Cognitive flexibility is the ability to adapt our behavior and thinking in response to our environment. It occurs in 2 main ways - the ability to think about multiple things at the same time, and the ability to think based on a change in demands or expectations. 


Making new and surprising connections allows children to develop executive function skills that they need for their overall health and wellness. 

Try these 3 tips in your next visit:

  1. Model silliness. "I'm going to check your ears now. Just kidding! I was being silly. I said I was going to check your ears, and then I checked your foot!"
  2. Pretend to make a mistake. “I can’t find my stethoscope, did you see it? It’s long and skinny, and I use it to listen to your heart. Where should I look?”
  3. Praise families who are bilingual at home. “Learning multiple languages has been shown to help children be able to think and solve problems better!”


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