Making Clean-Up Fun

December 12, 2018

Every parent knows the frustration of cleaning up after a toddler playing with toys and friends. This week, our expert advisor Jocelyn Greene of Child’s Play NY has a tip for making clean up both fun and super speedy.

The Super Speed Clean-Up Game

Chores can be fun when you make them into a game. If you’re faced with a messy and cluttered play area, announce that it’s time for the Super Speed Clean-Up Game. Adults will play too! Tell the child (or children) that they are a special kind of toy or robot that is able to clean super-fast, after being wound up. Give the child a “wind –up” in the back and ask him to do the same for you, and then pick up as many toys and playthings as fast as you can! Slightly older children might enjoy the concept of slowing down and cleaning in slow motion, if it’s been too long since a wind-up. If that happens, give them another turn in the back and continue cleaning until the mess is all gone.

Even though the mess may be daunting, turning it into a positive and playful scenario makes it fun to tackle. Not only does this game practice following directions, self-control, and cleaning up after themselves, it’s also a way of being silly with your child. And it ends with a clean space!

Watch Jocelyn’s video here, and browse her website for more ways to encourage play and positivity in your child.

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