July 7, 2022
Reward 1 = telling a parent or caregiver that they have to use the potty (even if they are just doing it to get the sticker or cookie, they are still telling you)
Reward 2 = walking to the bathroom (parent/caregiver can say, “let’s go to the bathroom and you’ll get this sticker/cookie.”)
Reward 3 = getting undressed cooperatively (with or without help)
Reward 4 = sitting on potty or toilet seat and trying (always reinforce trying!). Be careful not to make it too emotional.
Reward 5 = going on the potty or toilet
Practice = reward: “let’s go to the toilet and give it a try.”
Accidents = neutral reaction (no attention!)
You can also use a dry pants bubble chart (you’ll be rewarding your child simply for keeping their pants dry).
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