For Parents
12-23 months
Fine Motor Development (18 Months)

Fine Motor Development (18 Months)

July 7, 2022

Normal Development

  • Can feed themselves with a spoon (14+ months)
  • Turns the pages of a book (14+ months)
  • Scribbles on paper with a crayon or pencil (16–20 months)
  • Drinks from a regular cup without help or spilling (16+ months)
  • Uses thumb and pointer finger to explore objects, turn knobs and dials, etc. (10–20 months)
  • Can draw simple lines (18+ months)
  • Stacks 3+ blocks (14–24 months)
  • Turns over containers to pour out contents (16–24 months)
  • May begin to show a preference for using their right or left hand, but may not fully decide for several more years (16–33 months)
  • Likes to explore and examine objects (16–24 months)

What You Can Do

  • When reading, let your child turn the pages of the book
  • Give your child paper and crayons
  • Draw shapes together
  • Play with sidewalk chalk
  • Do finger painting
  • Teach your child to do simple finger games such as “itsy bitsy spider”
  • Play games of filling up and dumping
  • Play with blocks
  • Play with large size legos that are not choking hazards
  • Do small knob puzzles

Our Advice

  • Remember to be on the lookout for choking hazards
  • Allow your child to practice drawing and writing—even when it’s messy!

Try not to compare yourself to other parents, or your child to other children. Every family is different!

Content created in partnership with

Seedlings Group

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